
Factorio ScreenshotFactorio is a base-building, adventure game published by a team out of the Czech Republic. It’s wildly addicting and tons of fun. You start as a colonizer, who crashed onto an alien planet. Your goal is to build a factory capable of creating a rocket silo and then launching a satellite into space. This will allow your fellow citizens an opportunity to safely land on the planet. While doing this, you face attacks from the native population (affectionately known as biters), who would rather you leave their world alone, thanks.

One of the best aspects of the game is the strong modding community. There are mods to handle all sorts of things in the game from simple cosmetics to in-depth game play changes. One of the best set is Bob’s mods, which add a level of real-world complexity to the game that makes it a joy to play. You can get mods and more at the Factorio forums. Also find out which mods I’ve used in the past.

Factorio ScreenshotYou can purchase the game at Factorio.com or directly on Steam. The game is incredibly stable, and not just for an alpha. It runs on Windows, MacOSX and Linux.

Previous YouTube Series

No hand crafting is allowed, once assemblers are researched.

Bob’s Mods and the Resource Spawner Overhaul with the Factorissimo mod. Inception has arrived.

Previous Factorio series included the original vanilla race to rocket defense (and rocket silo by the completion of the series). It may return in the future, but is on hiatus for now.

We’ve played Factorio with Bob’s Mods before now. See the full factory here.

Combinators, the circuit network, and a healthy obsession with cleanliness led to the creation of the Efficient Factorio series. Sadly, the save was lost, so I had to stop playing here. Still plenty of magic done to create the “perfectly efficient” factory.

This Bob’s Mods attempt included the Resource Spawner Overhaul mod, which really spaced things out. Quite enjoyable experience overall.

Back in early 2016, we decided to limit ourselves in the width direction. This map was only 250 tiles wide. Factorio: the Narrows.

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